Rijin Team Fortress 2

Rijin Team Fortress 2


System Requirements:
OS: Windows 10 and 11; all winver

Per Key:
SKU: N/A Tags: , , , , , ,



Aimbot settings are class-based.

[Aimbot general]
[+] Enable​
[+] Auto shoot​
[+] Aim mode [Automatic, On attack, On key]​
[+] Maximum FOV​
[+] Smoothing​
[+] Silent aim [Disabled, Clientside, Serverside]​
[+] Position adjustment [History, Accurate unlag]​

[Aimbot targeting]
[+] Aim at [Friendlies, Enemies, Cloaked spies, Friends, Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter, Sticky, Boss]​
[+] Algorithm [Closest to FOV, Distance]​
[+] Ignore flags [Ignore healed robots, Ignore sentry busters]​
[+] Priority hitbox [Head, Pelvis, Upper chest]​
[+] Hitscan [Head, Pelvis, Upper chest]​
[+] Body if [Lethal, Crit immune]​
[+] Force body aim on key​

[Aimbot miscellaneous]
[+] Accuracy mitigations [No recoil, No spread]​
[+] Projectile hit chance​
[+] Projectile max travel time​
[+] Draw projectile path​
[+] Double donk above time​
[+] Spread manipulation with hit chance option.​
[+] Sniper: Scoped only​
[+] Sniper: Ignore vaccinator​
[+] Sniper: Wait for [Kill, Headshot]​
[+] Spy: Wait for spread​
[+] Heavy: Spin up minigun when active​

[Medigun aimbot]
[+] Enable with key bind support​
[+] Maximum FOV​
[+] Healing selection [All, Prefer friends, Prefer friends expect key, Friends only]​

[Heal arrow aimbot]
[+] Enable with key bind support.​
[+] Maximum FOV​
[+] Target [Any, Friends only]​

[Auto melee]
[+] Enable with key bind support​
[+] Maximum FOV​

[Auto wrench]
[+] Enable with key bind support​
[+] Maximum FOV​

[Auto vaccinator]
[+] Enable with key bind support​
[+] Friends only​
[+] Control [Full, Passive]​
[+] React to [Friends, Bonked, Cloaked]​
[+] Bullet sensitivity settings​
[+] Blast sensitivity settings​
[+] Fire sensitivity settings​
[+] Healing resistance [Auto, Bullet, Blast, Fire]​
[+] Manual uber resistance [Disallow, Bullet, Blast, Fire]​
[+] Disallow resistance [Bullet, Blast, Fire]​

[Auto uber]
[+] Enable​
[+] React to [Friends, Bonked, Cloaked]​
[+] Visible threat multiplier.​
[+] Nearby threat multiplier.​

[Auto kritzkrieg]
[+] Enable.​
[+] Friends only.​
[+] React to [Friends, Bonked, Cloaked]​
[+] Use charge near tank.​

[MvM: Auto medic shield]
[+] Enable.​
[+] Auto-deploy and an option to customize the amount of entities for auto-deploying.​

[Medigun helpers]
[+] Quickfix follows demo-charge​
[+] Uber on ‘Activate Charge!’ With friends only option.​
[+] ‘Activate charge’ resistance [Bullet, Blast, Fire]​

[Auto reflect]
[+] Enable with key bind support​
[+] Maximum FOV​
[+] Reflect if ammo above​
[+] Disable when ubercharged​
[+] Disable with dragon’s fury​
[+] Projectile targets [Rockets, Flarer, Pills, Stickies, Arrows, Throwables, Flameball, Mechorb]​
[+] Enemy players [None, Any player, Players with Melee]​
[+] Burning players [None, Any player, (Im/Them) are injured]​

[Auto reflect projectile redirection]
[+] Redirect towards [Players, Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter, Projectiles, Boss]​
[+] Redirect ignore [Friends, Cloaked]​
[+] Redirect heal arrows to team.​

[+] Enable with key bind support​
[+] Hitbox [Auto, Any, Head, Body]​
[+] Shoot at [Cloaked, Friends, Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter, Boss, Sticky]​
[+] Fire delay.​
[+] Fire for time.​

[Miscellaneous automations]
[+] Back to crosshair​
[+] Auto disguise​
[+] Auto call medic​
[+] Auto soldier whip​
[+] Auto rocket jumper [key bind required]​
[+] Auto sticky detonation​
[+] Minimum Stickies​
[+] Target flags [Friend, Cloaked, Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter, Sticky, Boss]​
[+] Auto sticky release with key bind support.​
[+] Release charge at.​
[+] Charge bot​
[+] Auto detonator​
[+] Target flags [Friend, Cloaked, Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter, Sticky, Boss]​
[+] Auto sapper​
[+] Target flags [Robots, Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter]​
[+] Minimum robots.​

Some configuration is based on Team, Enemies, and Friends.

[Player Visuals (ESP)]
[+] Show when cloaked.​
[+] Friend tab only​
[+] Render friend text.​
[+] Use steam nickname.​
[+] Components [Player name, Weapon name, Distance]​
[+] Box [Disabled, Box, Box + Outlines]​
[+] Flags list [Conditions, Carrying objective, Sniper Charge, etc]​
[+] Health bar​
[+] Health fractions.​
[+] Ubercharge bar.​
[+] Cheater/bot alerts.​
[+] Dormancy​
[+] Show.​
[+] Render dormant text.​

Some configuration is based on Team, Enemies, and Friends.

[Player Visuals (Chams)]
[+] Show when cloaked.​
[+] Ignore Z.​
[+] Base material [None, Shaded, Flat]​
[+] Alpha setting.​
[+] Overlay material [None, Shaded, Flat]​
[+] Overlay alpha setting.​

Glow styles are the same for Players and Entities.

[Player Visuals (Glow)]
[+] Show [Cloaked Spies, Enemies, Team, Friends]​
[+] Styles [Sencil, Blur]​
[+] Stencil thickness.​

Some configuration is based on Team, Enemies, and Unassigned.

[World Visuals (ESP)]
[+] Health pack.​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Distance]​
[+] Ammo pack.​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Distance]​
[+] Sentry​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Health bar, Flags, Distance]​
[+] Flags[Level, Active state, Building state, Controlled, Ammo status]​
[+] Dispenser​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Health bar, Distance]​
[+] Flags[Level, Active state, Building state]​
[+] Teleporter​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Health bar, Distance]​
[+] Flags[Level, Active state, Building state]​
[+] Objective​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Flags, Distance]​
[+] Flags[Return time, Active state]​
[+] Projectiles​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Flags, Distance]​
[+] List[Rocket, Sticky, Pipebomb, Arrow, Flare, Throwables, Spells]​
[+] Flags[Critical]​
[+] Other entities​
[+] List [Bombs, Lunchables, Boss, Revive marker, Powerup, Spellbooks, Money]​
[+] Components[Box, Box outline, Name, Distance]​

Some configuration is based on Team, Enemies, and Unassigned.

[World Visuals (Chams)]
[+] Ignore Z.​
[+] Base material [None, Shaded, Flat]​
[+] Alpha setting.​
[+] Overlay material [None, Shaded, Flat]​
[+] Overlay alpha setting.​
[+] Health pack.​
[+] Ammo pack.​
[+] Other entities.​
[+] List[Bombs, Lunchables, Boss, Revive marker, Powerup, Spellbooks, Money]​
[+] Buildables [Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter]​
[+] Objective.​
[+] Projectiles.​
[+] List[Rocket, Sticky, Pipebomb, Arrow, Flare, Throwables, Spells]​

Some configuration is based on Team, Enemies, and Unassigned.

[World Visuals (Glow)]
[+] Show[Enemies, Team]​
[+] Health pack.​
[+] Ammo pack.​
[+] Other entities.​
[+] List[Bombs, Lunchables, Boss, Revive marker, Powerup, Spellbooks, Money]​
[+] Buildables [Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter]​
[+] Objective.​
[+] Projectiles.​
[+] List[Rocket, Sticky, Pipebomb, Arrow, Flare, Throwables, Spells]​
[+] Styles [Sencil, Blur]​
[+] Stencil thickness.​

[Visuals (Other)]
[+] Menu Foreground colours​
[+] Menu Background colours​
[+] Cheap text rendering.​
[+] Medic: Show injured team-mates​
[+] Engineer: Show damaged objects​
[+] Show hitboxes on hit​
[+] Backtrack chams​
[+] Fake-angle chams​
[+] Custom FOV​
[+] Removals[Sniper Scope, Sniper Scope FOV, No visual recoil, No viewmodel bobbing, No fog, No fade]​
[+] Bullet tracers​
[+] Effect[Beam, Raygun, Machina, Lightning ball, Merasmus, Distortion trail, Bis nasty]​
[+] Third person​
[+] Use key​
[+] Key control[Held, Toggle]​
[+] Max distance​
[+] Draw crosshair at aimpoint​
[+] Show spectators panel​
[+] Show information panel​
[+] Viewmodel show silent aim​
[+] View model offset​
[+] Forward​
[+] Right​
[+] Up​
[+] Show icons through walls​
[+] Icons[Vaccinator, Mannpower]​
[+] Associated icon team[Friendly only, Enemy only, All]​
[+] Sniper LOS Laser​
[+] Ignore Z​
[+] Team[Friendly only, Enemy only, All]​
[+] Disable overlay effects​
[+] Effects[Invuln, Milk, Jarate, Bleed, Stealth, Bonked, Gas, Fire, Water]​
[+] Control FarZ​
[+] FarZ​
[+] Ragdoll effects​
[+] Disable death animations.​
[+] Disable game created effects.​
[+] Model effects [None, Golden, Frozen]​
[+] Main particle effect [None, Burning, Electrocuted]​
[+] Other particle effect [Ash, Dissolve]​
[+] Team[Friendly only, Enemy only, All]​

[Hack vs Hack (Anti-Aim) Main]
[+] Enable​
[+] Active when headshot threat​
[+] Active on[Any player, Cheaters only]​
[+] Vischeck.​
[+] Use key​
[+] Key control[Held, Toggle]​
[+] Mode [Legit, Rage]​

[Hack vs Hack (Anti-Aim) Pitch]
[+] Pitch enabled [Disabled, Automatic, Manual]​
[+] Method [Static, Dynamic]​
[+] Fake [None, Up, Down]​
[+] Real [Up, Zero, Down]​

[Hack vs Hack (Anti-Aim) Yaw]
[+] Auto edge​
[+] Type[Fake, Real]​
[+] Based on angle[Local angles, Closest player, Closest scoped player]​
[+] Cycle key​
[+] Cycle method[Swap real and fake angle, Invert fake, Invert real, Invert both]​
[+] Fake / Real methods​
[+] Rotate​
[+] Angle​
[+] Rotate target[Local Angles, Closest player, Closest scoped player]​
[+] Rotate Dynamic​
[+] Angle one.​
[+] Angle two.​
[+] Update-rate​
[+] Rotate target[Local Angles, Closest player, Closest scoped player]​
[+] Spin​
[+] Invert direction​
[+] Speed​

[Hack vs Hack (Other)]
[+] Break jump animations[Disabled, Constant, First jump]​
[+] Fake crouch [Disabled, On crouch, Always]​
[+] Peek assist[Key bind required]​
[+] Peek fakelag.​
[+] Anti-backtrack.​
[+] Fakelag​
[+] Use key​
[+] Key control[Held, Toggle]​
[+] Method[Interval, Movement]​
[+] Max choke​
[+] Resolver​
[+] Options[Show resolver status, Cheaters only, Headshot weapons only]​

[Miscellaneous (General)]
[+] Bunnyhop.​
[+] Auto strafe.​
[+] Strafe Type [Normal, Directional WASD]​
[+] Avoid walls[Disabled, Simple, Advanced]​
[+] Retrack speed.​
[+] Force critical hits / Crit hack​
[+] Preferences[Draw Panel, Skip natural crits, Melee auto crit]​
[+] Double tap​
[+] Preferences[Draw panel, Shift on key, On ground key, On aimbot only, Passive charging, Boost]​
[+] Charge key.​
[+] Shift key.​
[+] Boost key.​
[+] Passive charge every.​
[+] Fake latency​
[+] Latency target.​
[+] Fast queue​
[+] Block regions[EU east, EU west, Asia, Middle east, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Australia, Africa, Chile, Peru, Brazil, US east, US north west, US south west]​
[+] Maximum ping.​
[+] Party networking​
[+] Flags [Far ESP, Resolver data, Waypoint marker]​
[+] Waypoint[Key bind required]​
[+] Expire time.​
[+] Auto vote​
[+] Voting flags[Auto vote yes, Auto vote no, Defensive]​
[+] Auto cast[Disabled, Randon player, Bots only, Any cheaters]​

[Miscellaneous (Other)]
[+] Pure bypass​
[+] Reveal spy models​
[+] Reveal scoreboard information.​
[+] Disable MOTD​
[+] Disable server chat messages.​
[+] Disable player gibs.​
[+] Disable player taunts.​
[+] Disable player cosmetics.​
[+] Include cosmetics from [Localplayer, Friends]​
[+] Remove taunt restrictions.​
[+] Remove kart restrictions.​
[+] Remove cage restrictions.​
[+] Avoid auto team balance.​
[+] No idle kick.​
[+] No push.​
[+] Auto mute bots.​
[+] Auto rev jump.​
[+] Send bot identify.​
[+] Anti-backstab.​
[+] Streamer mode.​
[+] Name censors[Friends only, All players]​
[+] Panel censors[Matchmaking, Scoreboard]​
[+] Infinite noisemaker.​
[+] Block sounds[Footstep, Noisemaker, Frying pan]​
[+] Anti-cheat compatibility.​
[+] Print server queries​
[+] Modes[Scan only, Always]​
[+] Auto record hvh matches.​
[+] MvM revive response[None, On medic heal, Always]​
[+] Chat tags [Enabled, Local player, Friends, Cheaters]​
[+] Chat notifications [Enabled, Cheat detections, Class changes, Votekick info, Resolver, Anti-cheat compatibility, Joins, Leaves]​

Additional information


7 Days, 6 Months, LIFETIME