Ghost Rust Script Set-up Guide

Loader: Download


  1. Put the ttf file inside your C folder
  2. Make sure all antiviruses are off, including vanguard,, etc.
  3. Make an account on the loader
  • Redeem key on loader
  • Open rust and open script
  • Match your fov with the fov in the script menu (graphics.fov)
  1. In game f1 console to see your fov
  • Match Ads Sens in game with the script
    (input.ads_sensitivity) in game f1 console to find ads sens
  • Match sensitivity in game with the script (input.sensitivity) in
  1. f1 console to find your exact sens
  • Make sure your x & y control is set to 1 in script menu
  • Lastly enable recoil on script


  • For auto detection ui scale needs to be 1 in game
    (graphics.uiscale 1) to do it in f1 console
  • For auto detection make sure you dont have nvidia filter on or
    anything that will alter the look of the game
  • Anti virus & firewalls must be off for script to work