Why InjectKings?

With there being so many cheat providers, you must be wondering why even choose InjectKings. It’s quite simple really and I’m glad you asked. One, we are not your average 15 year old reseller who spits out products knowing that it is a detected product. We put your safety as our priority when we stock our products. While there may be some “great products” with amazing rage features that helps you clear out a whole lobby in precisely 10 seconds, we put your safety as a #1 priority OVER having rage features. That is also why we never advise anyone to push the limits of raging in the case of manual bans. With this said, we also provide 24/7 support for everyone, even those who can’t seem to wrap their head around 10 step instructions. So if you are one of those people, don’t stress about the setup process and join our discord today.

To access our discord, please go to the DISCORD tab on the InjectKings website and it will automatically redirect you to our server. You can then make a ticket for any questions, interact with our community in general chat, or even look for a group to queue with.